OK, while this ISN'T quite an addiction and I don't REALLY need a 12 step program (unless you know of a way to do MORE crafting in 12 steps!) it sometimes FEELS like it!
Are You a Fiskateer? Do you WANT to be? It's a lot of fun!
First off, they send you a very nice 'thank you' for joining package...
Scissors engraved with my #3198!
[Well worth the wait!]
THEN you are part of a local network (Cheryl is our lead, i'm in Southern California) and you get invitations to all sorts of fun events. I've been to 2 of them locally already and missed one that was
really fantastic.
I went to a "Spring Fling" a couple years ago - met Laurie there (from the
Crop in Orange) and Cheryl & Jeannie & Jim, a husband/wife team of crafters.
Cheryl, our local Lead:
Lots of goodies, even edible ones...
And last summer I went to a Family Fun picnic and saw LOTS of fun people I'd been communicating with online, in forums, hadn't seen since the Spring Fling, at my local cropping group and it was fabulous.
Me creating the Make-n-Take in the Pavillion!
And the PRIZES! Lemme Tell You, you WANT to be at these events for a chance to win some Fiskars and associated company prizes.
Are you salivating yet? ;)
So, let's get you started!
First thing, we need to get you over to the
Fiskateers Website [just click on the link]...
It may seem a little confusing. Just let it settle down then click on some of the people you see there if you'd like to get to know them better. These are the Fiskateer 'Leads' and they organize the events in different 'regions' I suppose it is.
If you want to read the blog, you can click on that and if you have any questions, there's 'a Fiska-What?' link to learn more.
If you want to just JUMP RIGHT IN! by all means, click the "How to Join" link and you'll see '1,2,3,4' steps in a journaling box, the 5 Leads across the bottom and away you go!
Send email to any one of them and they will write you back with a link to get you going and you can do a lot on the website while you wait for your scissors (assuming they are still sending them out - ask when you write them maybe...).
Are you already a Fiskateer? What's your number?
Pam Hoffman
Another view at the picnic! ;)
p.s. while doing research for this article, i found
Fiskars TV - and an episode with Lead Wendy Jo!!